The week of April 3-9 is Picture Week and In-Studio Dress Rehearsal. All students come dressed in costume, regardless of whether or not they will be getting their picture taken. Hair and make up is optional. Please label all accessories, additional costumes (if this applies to your child) and shoes.
Photos are optional. However, only photos from picture day will be used for the Recital Yearbook. The photographer will be onsite in Unit 25, the week of April 3-9. If your child attends class in Unit 2 you may bring him/her over to the main building for their picture, before or after their dance class. All classes run as usual.
All orders must be paid in advance. You will hand your paid receipt to the photographer when having your picture taken.
Prepay Deadline: 4/1/22
Log into the prepay site at and use the password "prepay” and your email to log in. A prepay is required for the number of costumes to be photographed. In the case of multiple children, please order separately for each child.
Order Deadline: 5/7/22
Following picture week, you will receive an email with a link to view your images and place your order. You will be able to use your prepaid amount to order any print package or products available. It is important that you use the same email used during prepay to access your credit. Shipping is included on all orders placed before the order deadline.
Click here to access the picture order form.