Click the video below for a message from Miss Sharon! The studio will be closed again next week, through March 28.
Here is what you need to know:
Recital Videos
Recital tutorial videos will be posted in the same folder as your recital music as of 4pm on Monday, March 23. Please use these videos to practice your recital dance with your child during the week. You are welcome to explore other classes and learn their recital dances for fun! If your child’s dance was not completed before the closure, the rest of the dance is taught in the video.
Facebook Live Classes
We will be offering a variety of FB Live classes for all ages (including adult!). Keep your eye on our social media channels (Facebook and Instagram) for announcements on when those classes will be held and how to participate.
We’re adding a variety of coloring pages, goal trackers, and recital practice worksheets to each recital music folder. Please enjoy these worksheets and send us photos of the finished product that we can share on our social media channels.
Fall Registration
We are opening fall registration early, and moving forward as planned. Please visit our website for the most up to date class schedule for the Fall 2020 season. If you are interested in registering early, please email us with your class choices.
Additionally, for our competition students, We’re adding a video and lesson plan for each team in the music folder in Google Drive. We encourage students to work independently or with friends via video chat on their lesson plans roughly the same amount of days per week they take class at the studio. You can reach out to the teachers with any questions on these lessons.
We are grateful that you are part of our studio. We will be in touch again soon with more information as we move forward.